Sunday, March 22, 2009

Holy Oly 2009

Matt Cummins

Peter Line

Austin Hironaka

Matt Guess


Kurt Jensen

OneBall in effect

Bryan Rushforth

Matt Edgers

Due to the wrath of mother nature earlier this season the Holy Oly was forced to move a little farther west this year. This event is usually held at Hyak on Snoqualmie Pass however, earlier this season a major "rain event" occurred creating a massive snow and mud slide on Hyak which pushed its main chair towers off their foundations. Because of this Hyak was unable to open this year but the Summit at Snoqualmie, just down the road, turned out to be a good alternative.
The day started a little foggy but ended up nice and sunny and perfect for cruising around, checking out the action. There were several features for jibbing, the main attraction being a large quarter pipe. The Lib Tech tree car served as a sweet log ride. Some of the Northwest's finest snowboarders and snowskaters were there. Lib Tech was there with bananas and hot dogs for all. OneBall was there waxing up sticks. Oneball team rider Matt Guess won Best Trick. Team rider Austin Hironaka won for Highest Air. Monty Hayes won overall and best NW Method award went to Kurt Jensen. Good times!!